Client Love
Your support exceeded our expectations.
I can’t say enough great things. Your support exceeded our expectations. All of your help, guidance, and support was immensely valuable to me and Isaac. Could not imagine having gone through the experience without you!
Jenny’s advice on how to push most effectively was key!
Jenny was our doula for both of our boys. During the first birth, she was invaluable for helping me find my voice in the midst of unexpected medical complications and helping me process all that was happening. For the second birth, most of the support was before the birth itself, giving me options and information as my medical condition changed rapidly. And her advice on how to push most effectively was key! I appreciated her honesty and caring, her focus on finding what was right for me emotionally and medically, and for knowing the right time to share key details so that they wouldn’t freak me out in advance. I really appreciated getting to have the same doula for both births! I loved how you set that up.
The Infant Feeding Class made us so excited to embark on our breastfeeding journey!
The infant feeding class was extremely informative. My husband and I left feeling so much more confident with our decision to breastfeed. Our instructor, Michele, was incredibly knowledgeable, and she presented her information in a very matter-of-fact, laidback way. Her class led to having deep dialogue about the new information learned, and made us so excited to embark on this breastfeeding journey! I recommend this feeding class to anyone who is still undecided, anyone who is 100% certain they will breastfeed, and even to those who may have tried and weren’t that successful before! Michele did such an amazing job! I’ve been telling everyone about how great her class was. Her calm and laidback demeanor made it so fun! My husband Chris and I loved it.
Integral to my birth team
I called King of Prussia Doulas a few days before my due date thinking I wouldn’t be able to get anyone. As soon as I spoke with Lacey, I knew this was someone who would be integral to my birth team because it was like I was speaking to an old, close friend. Lacey provided vital support and resources in my last few weeks of pregnancy that shifted the experience from fear and doubt to confidence and strength. I am incredibly grateful for her presence and energy leading up to and during the birth of my daughter. I highly recommend King of Prussia Doulas for any women looking for outstanding pregnancy, birth, and post partum support services.
They went above and beyond to help me feel supported and prepared for labor.
Ingrid and Mary were incredible birth Doulas! They went above and beyond to help me feel supported and prepared for labor. They were incredibly warm and welcoming and made me feel so comfortable, during labor and beyond. Every interaction I have had with KOP Doulas has been positive; they truly care and will go the extra mile. I am so grateful for them and I highly recommend them.
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