Working with a company like King of Prussia Doulas for your educational, birthing or postpartum needs means getting the collective wisdom of our entire team. You don’t just get one doula, you get us all!
Want to know more about us?
20. We currently have a team of twenty doulas.
19. Our services include: Live and Virtual Childbirth Education Classes, Private Childbirth Classes, Prenatal Support, Breastfeeding Classes, Infant Care Classes, Labor Support, Placenta Encapsulation, Postpartum Support, Bereavement Support, Grandparent Education Classes, and have customizable support packages for all family needs.
18. We offer gift certificates for all services. It’s a GREAT item to add to your baby shower gift registry!
17. Our doulas are all highly trained and continue to learn and grow as they work with us.
16. Our team is composed of mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and professionally educated care takers.

15. On our team, we have doulas with Master’s degrees in Education, Bachelor degrees in reproductive health, nutritionists, certified massage therapists and yoga instructors. We have doulas with Midwifery experience and nursing backgrounds. We have mothers of 1,2,3, and 4 children.
14. Our team supports clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
13. We have experience with home births, birth centers, and hospital births.
12. Our doulas support every type of birth. Whether you plan a natural, vaginal, cesarean, drug free, or epidural delivery, our doulas can provide support and care throughout your pregnancy and delivery.
11. Our postpartum doulas assist with breastfeeding, pumping, supplementing, formula feeding, and can aid in various newborn feeding challenges.
10. Placenta Encapsulation can be included in any package, or purchased a la carte.
9. As a team, KOP participates in regular training and professional development classes multiple times per year.
8. KOP postpartum doulas can support your family virtually with any questions or concerns you may have as a new or evolving family.
7. Collectively, we have attended over 400 births
6. Collectively, we have supported families in over 20,000 hours of postpartum support.

5. Personal References are available for all services and packages.
4. When working with KOP Doulas, your family is personally matched by service, location, and personality to ensure a perfect doula fit for you!
3. We work on a team model for birth support to ensure your doula is guaranteed to be present, well rested, and available at all times.
2. KOP Doulas are caregivers by profession, but also caretakers by nature. We are compassionate, patient, informative, and intuitive. This is what makes our team effective and enjoyable when supporting you during a major milestone in your family’s life.
1. KOP Doulas are available NOW to bridge the gap for your family whether it be virtually, in your backyard, in your home, or for birth center or hospital support. We are ready to follow all COVID safety protocols to continue providing families support where they need it most.
By: Laura Martin