Safe Co Sleeping

Safe Co Sleeping

I swore I would never co sleep. That’s right, I promised my husband and myself I wouldn’t bring the baby in bed with me. I thought that it would create bad habits and I would never have my bed back. I also heard about all the dangers of...
Babies Don’t Make Relationship Issues Go Away

Babies Don’t Make Relationship Issues Go Away

Maintaining a strong relationship is no simple task, and it doesn’t get easier after adding a baby.  Some prep work before the baby arrives and putting a plan in place can make a difference during the challenging early days of the postpartum period and in the years...
How to Find a Babysitter

How to Find a Babysitter

You’ve finally decided that it is time to reconnect with your partner after weeks or months of holing up in your house. If you are like many of the families we work with, you may not have family in the area, or you may not want to have to rely on them for help with...