If you are like many people, your children just returned to school this week, or they will be soon. Along with this transition comes the stress of hectic, early mornings, the hustle of after school activities, and the time pressure of homework. Guess what else comes with back to school. GERMS.  Lots and lots of germs. Are you wondering how to avoid the back to school illnesses that come with this time of year?

Be proactive to avoid back to school illnesses!


If there is one thing I can promise you, it’s that kids are gross- even the clean ones. They stick their fingers in their mouths, eyes, and ears. Kids touch every single thing on the planet. Most get really close to one another. Often, they lie in strange places. They cough and sneeze into the world and sometimes into other people, unabashedly and unapologetically. Many go to the bathroom and often forget to wash their hands. They pick their noses and eat it or wipe it somewhere that another kid is guaranteed to touch.  


So what can you do to avoid back to school illnesses?


  • Teach them how germs spread. Explain that germs often aren’t harmful and can’t make you sick if it can’t get into your body. Teach them about the openings to the body and how keeping dirty hands away can help keep you healthy. Remind them to keep their hands away from their face and mouth to have the greatest impact. 

  • Teach good hygiene. Teach your child to wash their hands with the warmest water they can. Show them what good handwashing looks like. Encourage- remind- them to wash after using the bathroom, blowing their nose and before eating. Practice at home and leave a note in their lunch box.


  • Up the naturally sourced vitamin C. This can actually help solve the dreaded “What to send for snack” problem too. Consider yellow bell peppers plain, with cream cheese or ranch dressing, kiwi, strawberries, oranges,  broccoli, kale, or black currants if your child is more adventurous.


  • Have them change their clothes and wash their hands and face upon returning home from school.


  • Make sure they get good sleep, exercise and fresh air.


We wish you a healthy, happy start to the school year. Standing with you in solidarity as we fight another back to school, back to germs transition! Reach out if you need some support surviving. We are here to listen and help