Cloth Diapering- Part 3: What Do I Need?

Cloth Diapering- Part 3: What Do I Need?

If you have stuck with me so far, you must be wondering what is needed to get started. It may be a bit overwhelming initially, but once you have your gear, you’ll be set.  My goal here is to make it not feel so overwhelming, so my information will not be...
Cloth Diapering- Part 1: What About the Yuck

Cloth Diapering- Part 1: What About the Yuck

I failed at cloth diapering my first go.  It was all too overwhelming and I couldn’t wrap my brain around it all.  I had so many questions and FEARS, I was unable to commit. In asking questions of other moms who may or may not have considered cloth diapering, I...
Cloth Diapering- Part 3: What Do I Need?

Cloth Diapering

When I was pregnant with my first daughter, a friend was toying with the idea of cloth diapering her second.  She had done all her research.  She was sure it was the right thing for her. Her husband had different plans. He promised her a third baby in exchange for...