Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed Cord Clamping

Did you know humans have not always engaged in umbilical cord clamping after delivery? It’s a relatively new concept. But then again, so is delayed cord clamping.  Erasmus Darwin, grandfather to the more commonly known Charles Darwin, said,  “[…] injurious to...
Find Your Bishop Score Before Induction

Find Your Bishop Score Before Induction

When it comes to pregnancy, the only thing predictable is unpredictability. For example, you are given a “due date” and set your whole life for the next nine months based on that single day. Did you know, only 5% of women deliver on their due date? 80% will deliver...
Back-to-School, Back to Germs

Back-to-School, Back to Germs

If you are like many people, your children just returned to school this week, or they will be soon. Along with this transition comes the stress of hectic, early mornings, the hustle of after school activities, and the time pressure of homework. Guess what else comes...
Reduce The Risk of Tearing During Pushing

Reduce The Risk of Tearing During Pushing

Many of our clients express a serious concern over tearing while they push.  To be precise, they are concerned about the tearing of the skin between their vagina and their anus, called the perineum. While this experience can be relatively common, being proactive may...
Birth Positions for Pushing

Birth Positions for Pushing

I’m going to tell you a secret about birth positions. Like any juicy secret, I’m sure you will want to share it with your friends. It’s okay. You can tell others.  Ready? Gravity pulls objects towards the center of Earth. Yup, it’s that simple....