by Lacey Morgan | Feb 6, 2025 | Featured, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
Embarking on a reproductive journey is deeply personal. Whether you’re preparing for conception, navigating pregnancy, giving birth, or settling into postpartum life, this season of transformation is as unique as you are. Setting clear intentions during this...
by Lacey Morgan | Feb 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
Planning for your postpartum recovery begins with what you put into your body to help it repair and recover. Pregnancy and birth is hard on your body so you may want to start with anti-inflammatory foods to help the body fight off inflammation. They can also help...
by Lacey Morgan | Oct 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s 2022, and it’s all about the #vibes. This couldn’t be more true in labor and birth. You have so much control over the vibe of your birthing location and doing so will change your birth experience. Don’t take my word for it. It’s science. Labor is governed by...
by Lacey Morgan | Sep 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
One of the biggest misconceptions we encounter when it comes to epidurals for labor is the idea that you can’t move once you have one. If you’ve taken our birth class or have been doing research on your own, you may be learning all of the movements and...
by Lacey Morgan | Jul 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Things beep in hospitals. So. Many. Things. They’re often loud, persistent, and quite frankly, alarming. (….get it?) For people who have never been in a hospital before, the sudden beeping or dinging of a device, while hooked up to monitors and alone in their...