Holiday traditions are really important in my home. They span the seasons and bring a sense of predictability and excitement. We believe memories are made, not from the things children receive, but from the time spent with those they love. 

Starting on December first, a present book arrives on the kitchen table each morning. It is wrapped and numbered with the date. The kids are excited to come down each morning to discover the new book which has arrived. Other than a few which I give on special days, such as the 1988 Hallmark Pop-up book Twas the Night Before Christmas the books are completely random in the order in which they appear. The first couple of years I added to our collection to bring it up to 3o books. I rotate what goes in each year. It’s fun to spend a little extra cuddle time with old favorites and the occasional new book thrown in. 

We also make cookies to give as gifts each year. This is a time which brings our extended family together. I love sharing this time with the women in our family. It helps my little girls see how their family members laugh together, talk a bit loud, share their love and how when a group of people work together, they can create a beautiful (and delicious) final product. It’s also a way for my children to learn the skills of measuring, mixing and doubling ingredients. It’s so much easier to have many little hands involved when there are just as many grown-up hands to support the process. I hope my children will grow to cherish these memories spent with their aunts, grandmother and great aunt as much as I always have. 

On Christmas Eve, my mother comes to read Twas the Night Before Christmas to my children. This is such a special time which reminds me of my own childhood spent reading this very engaging book. The kids look forward to her visit and the special time with her right before they head off to bed. 

One final tradition we hold dear is Christmas Pajamas which the kids receive on Christmas Eve. They know each year that the gift they get to open the night before is a new set of jammies and the excitement is high. They love getting to see if they are sweet or silly. I adore watching all three run upstairs to change before snuggling in for a sister slumber party. 


We love this time of year because of all the extra family time we get to sneak into the hustle and bustle. Please reach out to tell all about your favorite holiday traditions!

Happy holidays!