The benefits of skin to skin contact with your baby have been recognized by most delivery locations in this area. Did you know it is pretty standard practice after birth? 

Skin to skin contact with your new little one immediately after birth is far more beneficial than you might be aware!


When your new baby emerges into this bright, loud, scary world it is beneficial for it to be brought to your bare chest for close comfort and care. The familiar sound of your heart beating, your breathing, your scent and your sweet words are all comforting to your new little one. What you may not know is that while all of these senses are a form of comfort to your baby, it is far more than that!

This close contact releases a flood of hormones in your baby that relieve stress and stabilize the baby’s temperature, breathing, heart rate and blood sugar! At the same time these hormones in you are lowering stress levels, promoting healing and enabling bonding with the baby.

Did you know babies tend to be born with a layer of vernix on the skin? It’s that white coating you sometimes see in pictures of newborns. It works as a natural barrier to unwanted bacteria and allergens and as a moisturizer for your baby’s skin! As your vernix covered baby lies skin to skin on your bare chest, it get some on you. This vernix smells like the amniotic fluid your baby was surrounded by for nine months. Now your chest smells a little more like the familiar home they just left. As it both rubs off and rubs in, the baby is able to be colonized by the same bacteria found on your skin. This is an important and gentle step in building up your baby’s new, fragile immune system.


The benefits of skin to skin don’t stop there!


Should you wish to breastfeed, skin to skin immediately after birth helps facilitate and ease your way into it. Placed on your stomach or chest, your baby can actually squirm around on you. You may have heard it called the nipple crawl. More likely than not, your baby will start to root around trying to find a nipple. A latch in the first hour helps to reduce the size of your uterus and thus helps reduce bleeding.


The benefits of skin to skin go far beyond the first few moments after birth.


Skin to skin can play a role in a new mother’s emotional health as well. Lying with baby on your bare chest in the days and weeks that follow birth may reduce anxiety in your baby, helping reducing crying, which in turn may help reduce anxiety in you. The snuggles of a newborn baby can do wonders for new moms who are looking to bond with their babies. Less stress all around and increased bonding may even help to stave off postpartum depression. Need an added bonus? The warmth, movement and influx of hormones from smelling your baby may help your milk supply too.


Don’t forget your partner!


Skin to skin with the other parent is beneficial as well. It can help them bond with the baby too! Feeling their warmth, learning their smell and seeing their face up close will help your baby find comfort in your partner.

Nature is so beautiful! Birth is so beautiful! Allowing nature to work all its wonders starts with skin to skin!

By: Kristi Reed