Becoming a new mom is both rewarding and challenging. Not only do you
have to care for a tiny newborn, but you’re also expected to keep up with the
demands of everyday life. This can be overwhelming and difficult to manage,
especially if you are breastfeeding. Below we have compiled some tips on
how to make self-care part of your routine while breastfeeding.
Sleep When the Baby Sleeps
One of the most important things if you are breastfeeding is getting enough
sleep. This can be difficult when caring for a newborn, so try to take
advantage of nap time or sleep when the baby does. It is okay to take breaks
in between feedings so that you can rest up for the next one.
Remember to Still Prioritize Your Other Children
Having multiple children under one roof can be stressful at times. If you have
other children, make sure they get quality time with their mom by helping tuck
them into bed at night or reading them stories before going to sleep. This will
help create strong bonds within the family and lessen your stress levels while
taking care of your newborn during their feedings.
Stay Active
Even though it may seem daunting, making time for physical activity while
breastfeeding is essential. Stretching, walking around the block or other
simple exercises can become part of an enjoyable bonding experience with
your precious baby. It helps keep you healthy and energized throughout the
day, so make sure not to neglect this important self-care aspect.
Eat Well
Eating healthy is a great way to provide essential nutrients for your baby
through breastmilk and keep your own energy levels up. Protein, fruits and
vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats are all important
components of meals that will meet your nutritional needs while still being
delicious and satisfying. Taking the time to make sure you’re eating well will
give you the energy you need to take care of yourself and those around you.
Start Journaling
Writing down thoughts and feelings can be very therapeutic – especially when
it comes to managing stress levels as a new mother who is breastfeeding.
Journaling allows for reflection and helps process emotions that can
otherwise build up over time if left unchecked. Taking even just 10 minutes
out of each day dedicated solely to journaling could do wonders for both
mental clarity and emotional well-being.
Accept Others’ Assistance
It’s okay to ask for help – no matter what stage you are at in life (or
parenthood). Whether it’s asking friends or family members, allow yourself
permission to ask for assistance when needed. Don’t feel guilty about needing
extra support – any task shared among two people gets done faster than one
alone anyways.
Now is also the perfect time to reach out to King of Prussia Doulas for
postpartum support!
Drink Enough Water
For new mothers, postpartum is an exhausting time. Unfortunately,
dehydration can lead to increased fatigue and exhaustion, making it difficult to
handle the demands of caring for a newborn. To help lessen the burden, water
intake should be consistent throughout each day. Easy ways to ensure this
include tracking progress with daily reminders or buying a refillable bottle with
built-in measuring capabilities.
Becoming a mother comes with many challenges but also many rewards. As
long as you remember to prioritize self-care while breastfeeding – whether it
be sleeping when possible, eating nutritiously, or staying hydrated – you increase the chances
everything should come together smoothly.
Guest Blogger-
Emily Graham |