by Lacey Morgan | Jul 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Things beep in hospitals. So. Many. Things. They’re often loud, persistent, and quite frankly, alarming. (….get it?) For people who have never been in a hospital before, the sudden beeping or dinging of a device, while hooked up to monitors and alone in their...
by Lacey Morgan | Sep 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
This year was a year of firsts for me. The most challenging though, was when I ended up catching a baby for the first time. I was working with a client for the second time. Her first birth was a very long induction after an SROM with no labor. This time she...
by Lacey Morgan | Jun 2, 2021 | Featured, Parenting
Sleep deprivation is no joke. After about four to six weeks, the excitement of your newborn may have started to settle into a sense of your “new normal.” The ability to stare at your new little human, awe-struck, for hours on end especially at 3:00 am may...
by Lacey Morgan | May 29, 2021 | Caring for Baby, Featured
What is a ‘cluster feed’: Cluster feeding is exactly what it sounds like! A group of breastfeeding sessions that occur at frequent intervals to each other. Typically, a cluster feed would mean baby feeds three to four times, with less than half an hour between feeds,...