An Open Letter to My Second Child

An Open Letter to My Second Child

Dear Second Child, Can I be honest? I was scared shitless when that second pink line showed up! Your older sister filled my entire world. How on Earth was I supposed to love anyone else when she took up all the space in my heart? Then, on the day you were born, an...
5 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

5 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

Going into a new breastfeeding relationship, many women are excited and focused on the bonding time they will experience with their new baby. However, a few days, weeks, or months in, the whole repetitive experience starts to wear on new moms. They find themselves...
Back-to-School, Back to Germs

Back-to-School, Back to Germs

If you are like many people, your children just returned to school this week, or they will be soon. Along with this transition comes the stress of hectic, early mornings, the hustle of after school activities, and the time pressure of homework. Guess what else comes...
How Do You Talk to Your Kids About Sex

How Do You Talk to Your Kids About Sex

If you spend any time at all in a parenting group or around other parents, conversation about the dreaded sex talk is sure to pop up. How do you talk to your kids about sex and specifically where babies come from? Don’t fear dear parent, you CAN talk to your kids...