by Lacey Morgan | Apr 27, 2020 | Featured, Postpartum
The fourth trimester is considered the three month postpartum period directly following pregnancy and birth. In that time, we are expected to establish a feeding routine, a sleep routine, get clearance from our OBGYN for normal physical and sexual activity, have the...
by Lacey Morgan | Apr 17, 2020 | Featured, Postpartum
Birthing a child can be an amazing and unpredictable experience. You may plan your c-section months in advance, or you may find yourself in the OR after several hours of pushing. Regardless of the reason, your physical and emotional experience after a cesarean can be...
by Lacey Morgan | Apr 15, 2020 | Featured, Postpartum
A c-section birth is considered a major abdominal surgery, but it doesn’t mean you will be laid up in bed for weeks, days, or even more than a few hours. Knowing what to expect- the good, the bad, the ouchy, will allow you to fill your mental toolbox, so to speak, so...
by Lacey Morgan | Mar 17, 2020 | Featured, Parenting
Social Distancing for 14 or more days? Self-Quarantining? Now what? With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, most states are putting restrictions and closures into effect to help lessen the transition of the virus. You might be panicked wondering how you will fill...
by Lacey Morgan | Mar 11, 2020 | Featured, Parenting
I swore I would never co sleep. That’s right, I promised my husband and myself I wouldn’t bring the baby in bed with me. I thought that it would create bad habits and I would never have my bed back. I also heard about all the dangers of...
by Lacey Morgan | Mar 6, 2020 | Caring for Baby, Featured
Sleep is a hot topic in parenting. What to do is often debated in parent forums. Here at KOP Doulas, we support each family’s right to choose. If you wish to follow your baby’s cues, we support you fully and many of us have followed that parenting style. Others of us...